Move by Yourself <data:blog.pageName/>


Wannabe Yogi

The first time I did yoga was my junior year in college when I took a yoga class as my required gym credit. I figured it would be an easy A and would take a lot less effort then the strength training class. Don’t get me wrong I love working out, but, I like doing it on my own terms.

Well needless to say when the semester was over not only did I get that A I had hoped for but, I was hooked. I loved how yoga didn’t discriminate, any person, no matter their gender, body shape, size, age or skill level could participate. I especially loved to see the changes in my body, I mean I was so flexible, it was awesome.

However, one thing I’ve learned about myself over the years is that a lack what people would call, a strong follow through. I played cello when I was younger… I quit after one year. I have about a half dozen diaries from my youth that were written in daily for about two weeks, a month tops and then nothing. It is definitely not one of my better traits and is something I am continuously working on. But, this obviously ended up affecting my yoga. Sometimes when I’m lying in bed at night I’ll think I should start yoga again, but, then when I wake up in the morning that quickly goes out the window as I hit the snooze button 2 (3,4,or 5) times.

I think it would definitely easier if I was living back at home in Maryland and could go to classes at my local gym. The outside pressure and motivation definitely helps. But, I’ve decided to give it another go and hopefully this time it sticks. I’ve found some good yoga channels on YouTube with great videos like Yoga with Adriene and Rachel Brathen (<-- she also has a great Instagram to follow @yogagirl) for inspiration and help! 

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