Move by Yourself <data:blog.pageName/>


Leaving Paraguay - Going Home

I can't promise this post will be coherent, it is probably going to be a collection of my ramblings but, I'll give it my best shot.

At 1 AM on Wednesday, practically still Tuesday, I will be getting on a plane and leaving Paraguay for the foreseeable future. I have never been so excited about something and dreaded it so much at the same time. It's been two and half years in this wonderful country, a time that at some points went by so slowly, but, overall went by so fast. 

I'm so excited to go back to the United States, a place I haven't been in almost 30 months, to be with my family and friends, to eat all of the food I missed and to move onto the next step in life. But, going home means leaving behind the tranquilo life I've grown to love, the friends I've made, and the hardest part is the starting of a very long-distance relationship. Coming to Paraguay I didn't expect to fall in love, fall in love with this country or with my boyfriend, so it makes leaving even harder.  I've never had a big problem with change, I think its actually something that excites me, hence joining the Peace Corps and moving to a different country, but, this time I want to be able to have it both ways, to keep the new and the old. Obviously I know that is impossible, that is why these past few weeks have been so stressful. 

While most of my future is unknown right now, I am unsure of what I'll be doing when I get home. Getting a job? Applying to Grad School? Traveling? Who knows? I do have a few things to look forward to. Before I get home, I'm going to make a stopover in the Bahamas. Yes, the Bahamas! My sister is doing an internship there and she finished next week, so we'll be heading home together! Then in September, Jose (the boyfriend) is coming to visit! Only for 16 days, but its better than nothing. 

I might be MIA for the next week or so, I don't know what my internet situation will be like in the Bahamas. But, follow along for updates about my trip in paradise when I get back and how I readjust to life in America.



At August 4, 2014 at 1:25 AM , Anonymous Camila said...

Oh wow, major changes! Well good luck with everything!x

At August 4, 2014 at 8:41 AM , Anonymous Polly said...

Best of luck transitioning! I hope it won't be too terribly hard.


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