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Let Me Tell You About Where I Live

I am currently living in a small city, San Ignacio, in the southern department of Misiones, Paraguay. The city was founded in 1609 by Jesuit priests Marcial de Lorenzana and Francisco de San Martin. It was the first Jesuit mission in the region and because of this San Ignacio has the oldest Jesuit ruins in Paraguay. The ruins are very small in comparison to some of the other ruins in Paraguay, but hey they are still the oldest so that is pretty cool. 

San Ignacio has roughly 25,000 residents but, still definitely has a small town feel. That is one of the things that I love about it. You walk down the street waving and smiling at everyone you see and everyone knows you. It is the best of both worlds, the small town vibe, but also the hussle and bussle of a bigger city. They have town events and it seems like the whole town comes to participate. For example, every Sunday, in the main town plaza there is a Serenata Focklorica, which recently celebrated its 19th anniversary, where there is performances of traditional Paraguayan music and dance. 

Paraguayan Traditional Dance
Paraguayan Traditional Dance
Paraguayan Traditional Dance

The orchestra Ars Barroca of the Catholic University in San Ignacio performing at the Serenata Folklorica. The song is entitled "Cazador Arekaja"

One of my favorite performances of the night was from the Grupo de Oro (The Golden Group) which is the seniors dance group. They performed a very lively and funny dance that really got the crowd going. Take a look. 

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