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Baby it's cold outside ...

It has finally begun to get cold in Paraguay. When I got here back in February it was summer and some days/nights were unbearable. I would sleep with as little clothes as possible and the fan full blast. During the day I would break out in heat rashes. It was intense to say the least. During those first few weeks when people would say don't worry it will cool down, it will actually get pretty cold, I would laugh in their face. In the midst of that sweltering heat I couldn't imagine it ever getting cold here. Well now I'm biting my tongue.

Today when I woke up it was -1 degrees Celsius. I don't know the exact conversion rate but its about 30 degrees, and yes I know it gets colder back in Maryland, but in the United States when its cold you can take refuge in your houses with central heating. Here that isn't  an option. Imagine going camping when its freezing outside, where there is no escape.

I've come to grips with the fact that for the next couple months looking cute is not an option. Its comfort over beauty people. I've also learned the valuable lesson of: layers, layers and more layers.

This may be over sharing but as I am posting this on Thursday I have not showered since Monday. But, you try taking an, at best luke-warm, shower in cold weather and then you wouldn't think I was so crazy. 

I think one of the hardest parts of winter in Paraguay, so far, is that it is summer back home and I'm seeing all these pictures and Facebook statues about people going to the beach and doing all types of outdoorsy things while I'm huddled up in my (incredible-best purchase I ever made) sleeping bag with about 3 layers on attempting to fall asleep.

There is one good thing about the cold. It leads to quality time spent huddled around the fire with my host family!

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At June 7, 2012 at 9:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kelly, glad to hear from you and I am sending the WARMEST of thoughts to help you through! Take care and I love reading your blogs!
Miss you at lunch!


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