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5 Hilarious People to Follow on Twitter

If you are anything like me, over the years you have follow dozens if not hundreds of random twitter accounts. Your feed gets overrun with with so many tweets that things sometimes get lost in the mess and you miss out on some great stuff. Every once and a while I go through and clean out the accounts I'm following, unfollow the ones that seemed like a good idea at the time but turned out to be waste of time. 

Here are a list of 5 accounts that always make the cut. They are super hilarious and their tweets always give me a laugh and brighten my day.

1. Anna Kendrick (@annakendrick47) - We all know Anna from her movie roles in Pitch Perfect, Up in the Air and Twilight. But, she is just a normal 20-something and post hilarious tweets about her everyday life.

2. Julieanne Smolinski (@boobsradley) - Julieanne is a comedy writer, whose work can be found in GQ, Jezebel and Vulture, to name a few. Its amazing she can fit all that hilarity into only 140 characters. 

3. Jenny Johnson (@JennyJohnsonhi5) - Jenny is a comedian writer who gained fame on Twitter after her tweets making fun of Chris Brown. Her tweets are full of profanity sometimes but still hilarious.

4. Paula Pell (@perlapell) - Paula is a writer for Saturday Night Live ... enough said.

5. Alice White (@alicewhitey) - Comedian who tends to overshare in a hilarious way about her mishap filled life.

Hope you enjoy the hilarity. Who are you favorite people to follow on twitter? 

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At May 14, 2014 at 1:54 PM , Blogger Helene in Between said...

hahah this is awesome! I love finding funny people to follow. i read "paris" too!

At May 14, 2014 at 6:30 PM , Blogger Joyce said...

@pourmecoffee He's politically a bit to the left but his sarcasm is spot on. And Anna Kendrick is on my feed as well. Loved her tweet about morphing her first name by one letter down the alphabet.

At May 14, 2014 at 7:09 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

That one is my favorite, I mean what guinea pig wouldn't want to live in Paris! Haha

At May 14, 2014 at 7:10 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I know Anna Kendrick is awesome. Makes me want to be friends with her ... it could happen?

At May 16, 2014 at 1:33 PM , Anonymous Kelley @ Move By Yourself said...

I know Anna Kendrick is awesome. Makes me want to be friends with her ... it could happen?

At May 16, 2014 at 1:33 PM , Anonymous Kelley @ Move By Yourself said...

That one is my favorite, I mean what guinea pig wouldn't want to live in Paris! Haha


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