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Yoga Guide: Advice from a Newbie

Its been over a month since I declared my desire to rededicate myself to yoga. How is that going you ask? Its going pretty well actually! Right now I'm in kind of a workout rut, mainly its cold here and well I don't want to do it. And when I say cold here, I mean everywhere. When its cold in Paraguay there is no escape, most people don't have heat in their houses and its a humid cold which is just plain weird. But, I try and do yoga for at least 15 minutes everyday ... and I generally stick to that plan. I thought I would share some of my new found yoga wisdom, remember I'm a beginner too, so don't take my advice as the end all be all of yoga advice, but, I thought it could help other newbies, like me.

Don't give up. Yoga can be hard. I know the people you see doing it on Instagram and those workout videos look so relaxed but that is because they have been doing yoga for years. When you start, yoga is hard. You will breath heavy, make weird noises and generally make a fool of yourself. But that is the point, keep going and you will get there one day. After a month I am already seeing improvements in moves I could barely do 30 days ago

Get into a routine. You will see better results if you practice yoga on a regular basis. Even if you are like me and only do 10-15 minutes a day. Something is better than nothing, so get your butt on your mat at least a few time a week, every week.

Listen to your body. Yes, it is important to push your body sometimes in yoga, you don't know what you can do until you try. But, you also need to be careful, Yoga may not be a contact sport but you can still get hurt. Go slowly and do what is comfortable to your body.

Breathing. Do it. Sometimes in the more difficult poses you will find yourself holding your breath. Stop. Breathing is an intricate part of yoga and you know, living. So just remember to keep breathing.

Start slow. I know when you start yoga you have this image in your head of doing awesome hand stand poses or crazy arm balance moves and basically just being a yoga super star. But, you won't get there right away. You need to build up strength and balance and a whole bunch of other things before you get there. Start with the important foundation poses and they will eventually lead you to those awesome hand stands.

Do your research. Go to a class. Talk to your yoga instructor. Read a book. Research online. Get help from actual Yoga professionals (not just a wannabe yogi - aka me.)

Have fun. This is the most important in my book. If you aren't having fun while you practice yoga then whats the point. There are plenty of exercises out there you can do, yoga isn't for everyone so don't force it. 

Do you have any advice for Yoga beginners, like me?

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At June 20, 2014 at 1:30 AM , Anonymous Sonja said...

Hi Kelley, great post! I also started yoga for myself a few months ago inspired from girls like yogagirl on instagram. I grab my mat and my ipad for an instructor video. Afterwards I always feel energized for my day. In addition I try to do the stretching elements of yoga after my regular sports. My flexibility has improved a lot since.
Warm regards from Bangkok (we have more than enough heat, you want some?)

At June 20, 2014 at 11:05 AM , Anonymous Kelley @ Move By Yourself said...

I also love Yoga_Girl on Instagram! She is great inspiration. Doing similar stretching after other sports and exercises is a great tip!

I shouldn't complain too much about the cold and take advantage because the summers here in Paraguay are ridiculously hot. Thanks!

At June 20, 2014 at 11:14 AM , Anonymous Camila said...

Great post! You make some really good points! :)

At June 20, 2014 at 1:35 PM , Anonymous Kelley @ Move By Yourself said...

Thank you! :)


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