Today I am participating in my first link-up as a blogger. Yay! And it just so happens that the theme of this months #totalsocial hosted by Helene and Sarah link-up is firsts. What a coincidence! So I am going to tell you all about the first time I traveled abroad.
When I was 14 years old I was lucky to have an opportunity to travel to the beautiful country of Australia, with People to People Student Ambassadors. People to People is a travel service that offers international travel opportunities to students in middle school and high school. The student ambassador program specifically offers trips that are educational and aimed at increasing global awareness.

I traveled in a group of middle school students from Maryland and California. We spent three weeks traveling the east coast of Australia from Cairns all the way down to Sydney. I had been fascinated with Australia most of my youth and the fact that I had the opportunity to travel there at such a young age was incredible (and mostly due to my parents. Thanks Mom and Dad). I swam in the Great Barrier Reef, visited the Whitsunday Islands, see and hold koalas at an animal reserve, stayed a few nights on a cattle ranch in the Outback, had a home stay visit in Brisbane and toured the Opera House in Sydney.

*sorry for these sunglasses, they are truly awful. What was I thinking.
This trip is truly what gave me the travel bug. Ever since then I couldn't sit still, taking every opportunity possible to get out and see new places, mission trips, study abroad, Peace Corps, you name it. There are so many places to see in the world and so little time, so you have to take advantage of it.
Where was your first trip abroad?

what an awesome trip!! I would love to go to australia!! that is on my bucketlist for sure!
Beautiful! My sister lives in Australia and Im going this year! I cant wait!
Three weeks?! Lucky duck, that is totally amazing. I wish I had the opportunity to do something like this!
Sigh. Traveling vicariously through you. wink wink.
What an amazing trip! I really want to go to Australia!
That is awesome. You will love it.
You should. I want to go back now that I'm older and see if it is the same as I remember!
I know, I am definitely lucky to have been able to go on a trip like this at such a young age!
You should it is beautiful!
No! You can do it too :)
No! You can do it too!
I know, I am definitely lucky to have been able to go on a trip like this at such a young age!
That is awesome. You will love it.
You should. I want to go back now that I'm older and see if it is the same as I remember!
You should it is beautiful!
What jealous! I almost did People to People back in the day but didn't wanna miss any sports seasons/camps, etc so didn't follow through with it. Awesome experience for you though I'm totally jealous! :)
I traveled with people to people as well! I was invited to Australia in 2005 but it clashed with my Uncles wedding in Colorado, so I opted to go to Europe in 2006 :) It's great to see another P2P alum :)
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