Tiny Humans of Paraguay
I posted a photo to Instagram yesterday (the one below) and in the caption I wrote something funny the girl Lujan once said to me. It vaguely reminded me of Humans of New York. One of my favorite Instagram accounts. They take pictures of random people on the streets of NYC and ask them questions. Sometimes the responses are funny, serious and sometimes profoundly deep. So I thought I would do my own version today of "Tiny Humans of Paraguay" with some of my favorite kids I've met over my two years here.

Lujan (Age 3): "Lujan, do you want to be a model for me in a photo?"
"Are you crazy? I can't be a model I am only 3."
Alex (Age 3): "Kelley, I have a question for you?"
"Which of your toes is your favorite?"
"Umm, I don't know. I haven't really thought about it"
"Oh my favorite toe is this one (pointing to his second toe on his right foot)"
"Because it is longer then all the other ones which means it is better"
Elena (Age 5): "Kelley, how old were you when you kissed a boy?"
"I don't remember, I think 12 or 13"
" Wow! That is old I already kissed a boy and I'm only 5"
"Did you like kissing him?"
"NO! It was gross, I was just playing at school and he ran up and kissed me"
Angie (Age 3): "Do you like balloons?"
"They are scary when they explode, its funny"
Pedrito (Age 6): He has said many hilarious things to me, he talks a mile a minute. But, on this occasion he was having too much fun teaching me how to make bubbles using soap, water and our hands.
Macarena (Age 3): "Kelley are you a princess? Like the Little Mermaid?"
"No I'm not"
"Oh, I wish you were."
This is adorable. I also enjoy Humans of New York's posts. I think Lujan's comment was too cute.
Thanks! I know, Lujan is so sassy and I love it.
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