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Trevolta: Crowd-Funded Travel

Unless you've been living under a rock, you have probably heard of crowd-funding. Am I right? If not, crowd-funding websites are where someone can post a business idea, creative project or almost anything and then people ("the crowd") can donate and become financial backers; in return they usually receive some kind of reward or product. I know several Peace Corps projects that have been funded through this channel. Some of you also may have heard about the Veronica Mars film whose 5.7 million dollar budget was raised solely through their Kickstarter page. 

In the past few years the idea of crowd-funding websites have blasted into mainstream society. About $2.7 billion was raised in 2012 through crowd-funding sites.  Some of the more popular sites are Kickstarter, Indiegogo, RocketHub and Crowdraise. A new site on the crowd-funding scene is called Trevolta. It has taken the idea of crowd-funding and connected it to travel. On Trevolta you can post their extraordinary ideas for expeditions in order to try and raise funds through individual financial backers or through sponsors who are looking for marketing opportunities. You should definitely browse the website if you get a chance there are some pretty meaningful and inspiring trips on there.

I recently posted a trip on Trevolta entitled Peace Corps Love Story. In August I will be leaving Paraguay (for now) and heading home to the United States. The hope is that my boyfriend will be able to come visit in September for a few weeks. We plan to site see around my hometown in Maryland, visit Baltimore, Washington D.C., the beach in Ocean City, MD, New York City and attend my best friend's wedding in Las Vegas. I am selfishly sharing this with you in the hopes that you might be able to donate and make this trip a reality, any amount helps! But, at the least if you could share on your social media outlets to any friends, family or you know, random stranger that might be interested in helping out that is what I was really hoping for. 

Thank you in advance, you guys are the best!

Have you ever used or donated on a crowd-funding website before?

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At June 24, 2014 at 2:09 PM , Anonymous Helene said...

that is so awesome!! what a neat idea! I have never heard of trevolta!

At June 24, 2014 at 5:28 PM , Anonymous Kelley @ Move By Yourself said...

I know! Its pretty new, I just recently came across it. It has some pretty awesome trips people are trying to make happen.

At June 26, 2014 at 6:38 PM , Anonymous Jenn said...

1. That is an awesome Idea, I've never hear of it but will definitely check it out :) 2. Nice to meet another MD blogger :)

At June 27, 2014 at 11:21 AM , Anonymous Kelley @ Move By Yourself said...

You should definitely check it out! That is awesome you are from MD too, I'll be back stateside in a couple months!


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