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Lessons Learned from Living Abroad

Living in another country is fun and exciting because so many things are new and different. But, for that same reason living in another country can be really hard sometimes. Living in Paraguay for the last two years has taught me a lot about myself. 

1. Material goods are not the most important thing in life: I mean this is something people always say, but, you don't really learn it first hand until you move to another country only taking two checked pieces of luggage. Yes, I still have a lot of luxuries - computer with internet, smart phone, etc. But, there are so many things about my life here that is a lot more simple than my life in the US and I like it. I'm nervous about going back and falling back into the same pattern as before. 

2. Embrace the awkward: Living in another country leads to a lot of awkward experiences with clashing of social norms and customs. What I've learned from this is to not avoid them, to go full force into them, you will learn so much about the country you are living in and about yourself. You know the whole getting out of your comfort zone thing.

3. To-be more open minded: I considered myself open-minded before and living in another country has just opened it even more. Living in another country introduces you to so many new people, new ways of living, new beliefs and so much more. 

4. Who your real friends are: This one is sad but true. Living in another country puts a strain on a lot of your relationships back home because there needs to be more of an effort on both sides to stay in touch. Those true friends that really care will make a point to stay in your life.

5. To be more tranquilo: I thought I was a pretty laid-back person before I came to this country, boy was I wrong. If Paraguay had a motto it would be Tranquilopa which is similar to Hakuna Matata, No Worries, don't sweat the small stuff. Paraguayans take everything in stride. They know what is important in life and what isn't and what is worth getting upset about. I may not have the same tranquilo level as a Paraguayan yet, but, I'm getting there. 

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