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New Peace Corps Sickness..

Everyone at one point in time if  not the entire time of their application process will experience RAS (Restless Applicant Syndrome) .. however I think I have a new disease MPD otherwise known as Medical Paperwork Delirium. This medical paperwork is literally driving me crazy.

I have had to go to so many appointments. I hadn't gone to the dentist in a while so I ended having a couple cavities so that took a few trips and finally she finishes my paperwork for me and now I have to go to the oral surgeon for my wisdom teeth and the soonest appointment I could get is March 21st ahhh (and thats just the consult)

I have had to go to the lady doctor .. more than once which is frustrating because mine is so popular I guess you have to schedule appointments months in advance luckily I've taken people's cancellations because I have no job or anything right now I can go whenever they are free.

Then I had to go to the Dermatologist today and get a mole checked out. Find out results in a week **fingers crossed**

And I haven't even done my regular doctor physical yet because I wanted to be done with all the lady doctor and Dermatologist stuff first. Which means I also still have to get all my blood work and lab work done! Ugh.

I think Peace Corps trys to drive you crazy during the process to see if you can handle the stress !


i LOVE my dentist.

My dentist is awesome. I went in for my cleaning a few weeks ago and told her about all this paperwork I was going to be getting (hadn't received it yet) and if she could help me with all that. She said no problem! I had to get a cavity (or two) filled and I left the paper work with her then, I told her if she could have it back to me with in the next month or so because I know she is busy and I have a doctor's appointment scheduled for March 4th so I wouldn't be done with the paper work until then at the earliest (now its gonna be later -- see previous post).

But, I got a call from the dentist's office on Monday saying she was done with the paperwork and just needed me to get a x-ray redone to the strict Peace Corps standards haha. So I went in today everything went great she wished me luck and is super excited for me. Now I just have to get my wisdom teeth done ... ahhh.

Dental Paperwork is pretty much finished but this medical stuff is taking FOREVER!


Medical and dental insanity!

I don't think I've ever been to so many doctors and dentists appointments in such a short period of time in my entire life. This is insane, and I got a call from my dentist to say she finished filling out my paperwork but I need to come in to get another X-Ray done and so she can give me a referral for an oral surgeon to get my wisdom teeth removed. I was like ... excuse me what was that last part. I was hoping to avoid that but I guess I can't : (

And in other frustrating news, and I don't know how this is going to affect my medical clearance but my "lady doctor" also called today and my pap smear came back abnormal!!!!!! ugh!  She said it doesn't look serious and that they are going to have to wait about 6 weeks (March 18th is my appt.) to take another look because she is hoping that it can heal itself on its own (I didn't know that could happen but I guess it can) Its just really frustrating now I have to wait til the 18th to find out how this is going to affect my peace corps process !


Been a while ...

I know I haven't posted in a while but, that is because I have nothing to tell you. I'm slowly making my way through my medical forms. I've gone to so many doctors and dentists appointments and now my doctor won't sign off on my forms until I go see a dermatologist about a mole that needs to be checked out (ahh!). So that appointment isn't until the 22nd. Also, I have to get hospital records I had for a surgery I had almost 15 years ago when I lived in a different state and that is proving to be a pain in the ass.

In other news I'm glad the Packers won yesterday ... I think it was a good Super Bowl over all. I'm a die hard Redskins fan but am also a big Aaron Rodgers fan ; )