Move by Yourself <data:blog.pageName/>


The Matney Family in Paraguay!

After months of planning. 6 bags (mostly full of stuff for me) and a 19 hour layover in Panama the Matney family finally made it to Paraguay!

After spending a night in Asuncion, we set off on 3.5 hour bus ride to my site, Olegario! We spent two days and two nights there, which was perfect; considering our accommodations were my tiny one room house with my parents sleeping in my bed and Rachel and I sleeping on a borrowed mattress on the floor. 

180 degree photo of my house

Most of the time was spent getting to know my neighbors and host families and eating some traditional Paraguayan foods! 

Reading some of the books in Spanish they brought with Alex and Elena

Spending a Sunday afternoon with  my neighbors

Afternoon walk!

They even got to meet my cat! I had to check Rachel's bags before we left to make sure she wasn't trying to smuggle her back to America.

Rachel cuddling with "Fulana" or better known as Kitty or Gatito

Next stop: Argentina! Iguazu Falls.

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Freak Storm!

This past Saturday there was a freak storm in my community and the surrounding area. I wasn't actually at my house when it happened, but, I've heard from other volunteers that it was intense. Luckily, my house was ok, only had a small hole in the roof. But, other volunteers weren't so lucky, two in my area lost their roofs entirely. There was a lot of damage done, some people's houses were completely destroyed. My community also didn't get electricity back until Wednesday. Things are finally getting back on track and repairs being made.

Here are some pictures of the damage:

Holes made in a tin roof from hail (Photo credit: CCAB)

Roofs completely torn off houses (Photo credit: Meagan Terry PCV)

Buildings destroyed (Photo credit: Prensa 5 )

Giant trees uprooted (Photo credit : Meagan Terry PCV)