Move by Yourself <data:blog.pageName/>


Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day ...

**This post talks about girly issues ... FYI (not in too much detail though)**

About two months ago I told you guys I found out that I had an abnormal pap smear, I was pretty nervous for a couple reasons. One, because well its an abnormal pap that is kind of nerve-wracking. Two, because I know that abnormal pap smears can get you medically deferred.

Well, last Friday I had a colposcopy ( I don't want to go into detail of what that is ... if you don't know look it up on Google) and the results came back  normal (which I know is the most important part, yes I understand that) but, the nurse also said that I should came back in 6 months for another pap smear - and that is when my tears started because the second I got an abnormal pap smear I started doing research and what I have come to find out is that for you to be medically cleared by the Peace Corps you need to be cleared to have a pap smear every 12-15 months. At this point I just thanked the nurse and hung up because I'm one of those criers that once I start, talking clearly doesn't really happen.

However, I think I'm going to call back tomorrow and try and get more answers ... without crying hopefully.

**Just found this song the other day and I love it, and now it seems more pertinent to my life then ever.**


Last In the US for 2 years ...

I know I haven't turned in my Med Packet yet (get my wisdom teeth out the 25th ...almost done!) and that doesn't guarantee and invitation. But I can't help but think that some of the things I'm doing are going to be my last in the United States for a few years.

For instance, this past Saturday I  went to Baltimore where they had an "Irish Stroll" in Federal Hill. Basically, it was just an excuse to get dressed up in crazy green outfits and drink and hang out all day with your friends : )

It was SO much fun and it just reminded me how much I am going to miss my friends when I'm gone. However, I'll hopefully be making lots of new memories and I know my friends will always be there for me.


Hi, My name is Kelley and ...

I am a "StumbleUpon-aholic". 

I don't know if any of you guys have heard about this website, I myself just found out about it a week ago, and it has turned into a full-blown obsession. I'm the kind of person I love learning just random little facts and bits of information, some of my friends call me a know-it-all (in a nice way). I just love learning new things. One of my favorite shows is Jeopardy!, my goal in life is to one day be on that show even if I lose miserably. So if you are like me you will LOVE this website. Basically, you sign up for it, (its free) and then you just click a bunch of boxes describing your likes/interests/etc., they have every thing you could imagine, and you just click all the ones you like (travel, books, soccer, tennis, cooking, shopping, and so on and so forth) I think I clicked at least 40.

After that comes the fun part. You click the button that says "Stumble" and the best way to describe it is its like the lottery or a slot machine of every web page ever on the internet and they base which pages come up on the likes or interests you selected. So I click "Stumble" and the first thing that popped up was this cool video a bunch of "Trick Free Kicks" in soccer games from the past. So if you like it you click the "like" button and it will save it in your favorites and it will also give them a better idea of the kinds of things you like. There is also a thumbs down button if its a video/page/picture whatever that you really don't like and would really like not seeing something like that again. Then when you are done with that just click "Stumble" and move on to the next thing. It is so simple, yet so addicting. Before you know you've realize you've been on the website for close to an hour just looking at all these cool websites I would have never known about.

So, if you have time to kill I highly recommend this website.


One Step Closer

I had yet another Doctor's appointment today. This was for my regular physical. My doctor was great she was so thorough and made she she didn't miss any section of the paperwork. I did end up feeling a bit like a pin cushion getting 3 shots (polio, tetanus, and PPD) and 5 vials of blood taken from my arm where there is now a large bruise. But I'm just glad to be done with that now I'm that much closer to being done.  Now all that's left is getting results of my blood work, my wisdom teeth, and my lady doctor appointment to re-check my abnormal pap smear (I'm really hoping this won't affect my chances)

Finally ....

Happy Birthday PEACE CORPS !