Move by Yourself <data:blog.pageName/>


Right Here Waiting

I got a notification today that the Peace Corps had received my medical packet. What a relief! Now I can stop having those nightmares about it getting lost in the mail or it being stolen by some crazy Richard Dreyfus looking mailman (you'll only get that reference if you watch Weeds).

Now, I just have to wait the long wait for Medical Clearance. Hopefully no problems arise, I am a little nervous because of the roadblock I hit with my abnormal pap smear but I was cleared for pap smears every 12-15 months .. so that's good. I also have asthma which could pose some problems with countries I could be placed, but honestly it is the most mild case ever I rarely rarely rarely have problems with it. I just need to think good thoughts now.

I hope every one had a great Easter. I sure did, ate some delicious food and WAY too much candy.


Signed, Sealed, Delivered!

I FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY finished my med packet. After millions of doctor's appointments, a few surprises and detours, some bad news and some good news, sore arms (from shots) and sore mouth from 4 less teeth I am finally DONE. As of Wednesday the 20th I mailed the packet into the Peace Corps. 

Since I have to learn the the new meaning of patience waiting for my medical clearance I have decided to distract myself by doing lots of fabulously fun things with my friends and family, starting with last night my friend Maggie and I decided to drive down to Ocean City  just for the night to go to the opening of Macky's for the season. 

Macky's is a Bar/Grille that I worked at last summer when I lived at the beach with all of my best friends.

 It was so much fun and it was great to see people that I hadn't seen since last year. It really made me miss living at the beach, and I wish I could afford to do it again this summer but, I really need to save some money which I haven't been very good at in the past.


Bye-Bye Wisdom Teeth

By this time tomorrow I will no longer have wisdom teeth and the last step towards a finished med kit will be completed and I will be all doped up on drugs ; ) so wish me luck!

In following with this topic I will leave you with this video that makes me laugh no matter how over played it became (and it reminds me to hide our Flip video cams from my parents tomorrow)


The Light at the End of the Medical Tunnel ...

Finally, I am almost done with my med kit. After all my issues and numerous doctors/dentists appointments I can see the light at the end of the tunnel; and just in time because I received a nice little email from the Peace Corps the other day basically telling me to get my but in gear and send in my med packet. After four months if you don't get your med pack into the PC your file goes "inactive" and I'm at the three month mark, but, luckily I should probably be able to send it in by next week.

First, I'm getting my wisdom teeth out on Thursday after a little delay because of insurance purposes, but, now I'm on track and definitely getting them out Thursday.

Second, in my previous post I talked about the issues I was having with my lady doctor and my abnormal pap smear. However, I finally gathered my courage and called my lady doctor back. After last time when I was told I would have to get another pap smear in 6 months. I reminded her of my situation with the Peace Corps and how I would get deferred because of that. She said she would look into it and a few days later she called me back and because my Colposcopy results were normal and my original pap smear was barely abnormal  she said she would recommend I only have to get pap smears every 12-15 months! I'm so excited I almost started crying again but this time because I was so happy.

So hopefully by this time next week I'll be sending my med packet in ... then to start the long wait for medical clearance!