Move by Yourself <data:blog.pageName/>



I got a message at work from my Peace Corps nurse saying she had one more thing that she wanted to clear up with my paperwork. Honestly, I was like are you kidding this is getting ridiculous.

So I called her back after work and she said that she had re-read my paperwork and she was satisfied and that she had already MEDICALLY CLEARED me !!!

Yay! My letter is in the mail.

Now onto Placement, who I actually already got an email from today. That same one everyone else has been getting. That due to budget cuts and all that I will have to wait for January-March departures which I was already expecting.

Hopefully an invitation isn't to far away.


One thing that makes me nervous ...

These are all my bestest friends in the world.

Joe, Brittany, Maggie and Melissa (top) Kara, Bryan, Stacie and Me (Bottom)

Britni and Me
Samantha and Me

And I have a fear that one of them will get married while I'm gone. I know that is silly but, I have never been in a wedding before and the only weddings I have been to are family weddings when I was like 10 or 12.

I know its ridiculous but a couple of my friends are in pretty serious relationships so I'll keep my fingers crossed because I would be really bummed if I missed it.


My Trip to Guatemala

Our Chicken Bus 
All the kids at the school singing the Guate National Anthem

 The Kids made Pirate hats in Art Class

 Cutest kid ever.

The Kids watching her Brush her teeth before school
Me and my guys
Second Grade
Saying Goodbye to my new friends

Me and my Sis at Frida's in Antigua
In front of the famous Arch

I spent a week up in a village in the mountains outside the city of Xela. We taught in the classes of the school in Las Granadillas. We also taught the teachers new methods and techniques. This was my second time in the village. After are week in the village we spent a weekend in Antigua and AMAZING city.


Back In the Saddle Again

Sorry I've been a little MIA with this blog lately. But, things haven't been moving that quickly and I was a little bummed and I felt I didn't have that much to write about.

About 3 weeks ago I was contacted by my nurse in charge of my medical file and she said she needed a few more things from me. I've finished most of those things the only thing that I have left was she wanted a statement from my doctor saying the "lowest routine living temperature" I would be allowed to live in with my asthma. At first I though that was a weird question, then I went to my doctor and he confirmed that it was a weird question!! He said he would think about it and I'm going back in for an appointment on Wednesday.

However, I got an email yesterday from the nurse saying my doctor had contacted her and they had discussed the questions and he'll give me the statement when I come into see him on Wednesday. So hopefully, everything is good news.

After I'm done with the paperwork and I fax it to her she said she can clear me!