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My Paraguayan Family

So even though I would love if every one of you came to Paraguay to visit and experience my life here, but since I don't think that is going to happen I want you guys to meet the people that I hang out with every day.

This is my main work contact, Margarita. She is also one of my host mom's I lived with her family for about  2 months before I moved into my own house. She is definitely one of the people I am closest with in site and I think her goal in life is to find me a Paraguayan husband before I leave. 

There are Margarita's two sons, Gerard (13) and Matias (8). I also lived with them for about 2 months. Gerard laughs at, but, then helps me with my Guarani and Matias is always wanting to play soccer or go on a walk together. 

This is my other host mom, Gala. The day I moved into my own house next door to her and her family she instantly took me under her wing. It is weird for unmarried women to live alone in PY and she kind of took as her responsibility to look out for me. If I am in my house at night and have forgotten to turn my outside lights on I always get a text message from her reminding me. She sometimes likes to introduce me to other people as her daughter, but, I think that is mainly because she likes to see their reactions. 

Sometimes I think its weird that two of my best friends are only 13 and 16, but then a lot about my life here is different. Fatima and AnaLiz are the daughters of Gala my neighbor and host mom. And honestly I couldn't ask for better friends. They help me so much with anything I need, they help me rake my lawn, clean my house and they even feed my cat when I am away. We love to have dance parties in my house and paint our nails together. There is not one day that goes by that I don't see them.

Lizzi (21) is probably my best friend in site. She has such a goofy personality and I feel like I can completely be myself around her, which is rare for volunteers. Since she is closer to my age we can talk about a lot of things I can't talk about with my other friends, she is the one person in site that I tell EVERYTHING too. I honestly can't imagine leaving her in 9 months and not talking to her everyday.

I borrowed this idea from another volunteer in my G, Emily ... Emily's Paraguayan Family

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