I honestly never really have been a resolution maker … probably because I knew it wouldn’t last long. Let’s just say I’m not very good at keeping them. I remember when I was younger I would get so excited when I would buy/receive a new pretty journal and I would resolve to write in it every day. Well, I will tell you I have at least 6 or 7 journals from my youth stored somewhere that have about 2 weeks, maybe a month or two if you’re lucky, full of my adolescent thoughts. Well this year, since it is a big year of changes for me, I have decided to actually make a few resolutions, and at the end of the year we will see how I’ve done.
Kelley’s 2012 Resolutions:
1. Keep my resolutions. A little redundant? Maybe. But I need the extra reminder.
2. Practice and try my hardest when learning Spanish and Guaraní. I know the best goals are ones that are specific and this one is definitely a little vague. But, let’s go with it. I studied Spanish in college, it was my minor, but, to say I’m a little rusty is an understatement. Guaraní on the other hand is a completely new language that I hadn’t even really heard of before I got my invitation. However, I’m extremely excited to start learning it.
3. Run at least twice a week. I honestly enjoy exercising. And I do enjoy running, I love the sense of accomplishment after a particularly hard work out or long run, emphasis on the word after though; because I am extremely good at making up excuses as why it would be a better idea to go home after work and put pjs on and watch TV/read a book instead of going to the gym.
4. Blog at least once a week. At this point I don’t know what my internet access will be like when I’m in Paraguay, however, that shouldn’t stop me from at least once a week gathering my thoughts in a blog post to be published at a future date. (Side note: I’ve noticed I enjoy blog posts more if the people post pictures as well, so I promise to try and post as many pictures as possible.)
5. Email/Text/Skype my friends and family at least once every week. Pretty self-explanatory. It’s pretty easy to lose touch with people, relationships take work. Especially, when you live on a different continent. I may be having this new life changing experience but my friends and family’s lives are important too.
6. Finally, (also a little vague, but once again go with it) I resolve to keep an open mind this year. I will be introduced to a new country, new people, and an entirely new way of life and I think it is extremely important for me to leave my judgment and my reservations in the United States.
So, if you are my friends, family, fellow Peace Corps volunteers or just a random friendly blog follower, hold me to these resolutions. Hope everyone has a great 2012.