10 Things I've Learned So Far in PC/Paraguay ... and other news.
1. Roosters don't just crow at sunrise. Whoever started that myth is an idiot. They crow whenever the heck they want to, including 3 am when you are trying to sleep.
2. You can eat any part of a cow and I mean ANY part.
3. Rain is an acceptable excuse for not going to school. (Wonder if that will work in the States when I get back?)
4. No matter what I do my white socks will NEVER be white again. (Red dirt sucks sometimes.)
5. I thought mosquitoes sucked during a MD summer. Well I'm sorry to say you guys back home have it easy right now. It's technically winter here and I still wake up with new mosquito bites almost every day including one I got on my face last night.
6. I actually like vegetables. Any body who knows me probably doesn't believe me. Its also hilarious it took coming to a country with a very limited diet to figure that out.
7. I can make a meal out of almost anything.
8. I took privacy for granted in the United States. Privacy is just not part of the family life here in Paraguay. Most children/families share bedrooms.
9. I seriously overestimated my biking prowess. The ride from my little town into the next biggest town where I need to by groceries is about 8k, which wouldn't be that bad if it was all flat .... which its not. It is a serious workout every time I go into town.
10. Paraguayans are some of the nicest people you could meet. So many people have taken me into their homes and lives here it is amazing.
In other news ...
Paraguay's President Fernando Lugo was impeached on Friday, June 22nd. Since then the Vice President Frederico Franco has become President. I don't really have an opinion on the politics of Paraguay because I haven't been here long enough to understand too much. However, Paraguay is receiving a lot of International backlash because of the way the Impeachment occurred.
Here is an article that might be able to give you more insight into what happened: